Monday, 2 December 2019


Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. I don't see it in the package if I were to build from scratch either. Append content without editing the whole page source. Hope this helps anyone as it was a challenge for me. Reply to this topic I have not tested them on a clean system and you proceed at your own risk. mt-daapd-svn-1696

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However if as in my case when loading the program for the first time you get library missing errors, make links:. Change the name also URL address, possibly the category of the page. I don't see it in the package if I were to build from scratch either. If not install them with:. I am able to access the web page from anywhere on the network in the house. Now, run a first scan manually to ensure that Firefly finds the files you have copied over. Does an admin want to mark this as solved?

How can I edit pages?

Firefly Media Server [solved] - Audio and Video -

Upload or insert images from URL. Note that I changed the directory permissions purely to prevent possible problems so the chmod above may not be necessary.

You can mark it as solved by editing the first post, but I did it for you anyway. Something does not work as expected?

Not found Lastly, and importantly, these instructions are a summary, written after the event, of what I did to get Firefly running on my GB MyBook World Edition and serving mt-daapd-evn-1696. Portions on this howto were extracted from the Firefly Wiki here: Hope this helps anyone as it was a challenge for me.

Since my shares require a password, I needed to give the program the access by means of running it as myself. Append content without editing the whole page source.


Click here to edit contents of this page. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page if possible.

freebsd and mt-daapd-svn-1696

Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. The main difference between the two is the method of installation. Everything actually looks pretty good except the main thing Reply to this topic Start new topic.

Rescanning database I chose to use the samba launch script.

Firefly Media Server

Starting with debuglevel 5 Listening on port I installed the application from MCC and it appeard to kt-daapd-svn-1696 fine and I am able to start it. If your share is public, you may leave the ownerships intact as they are owned by the group "nobody. Posted December 30, Looks like all I had to do was create a service file to let it know to broadcast.

Starting signal handler Starting server thread If all the above has worked, when you launch iTunes on your computer you should see the Firefly server appear on the left-hand side menu. Go To Topic Listing.


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